What We Believe
Mission The Teton County Republican Party (GOP) is comprised of a diverse membership that strives to promote the quality of life for all people in Teton County through education, advocacy, and service.
Vision To elect Republican leaders to wisely serve the people of Teton County within the values of the Republican Party.
Quality of Life
Economic Vibrancy
Fiscal Responsibility, Private Sector Solutions & Transparency
Respect, Protect, and Promote Knowledge of our U.S. Constitutional Rights
Respect for Teton County Heritage
Conservation & Responsible Stewardship of our Land and Natural Resources
Respect & Compassion for Individual Freedoms
We aim to elect and support people who value…
Teton County Republican Party
Executive Committee
Mary Martin, Chair
Hunter Christensen, Vice Chair
Cory Herrick, Secretary
Cornelius Kinsey, Treasurer
Tote Turner, State Committeeman
Katherine Rueckert, State Committeewoman
Alex Muromcew, Past Chair
At-Large Members
Becky Cloetta
Blair Maus
Mark Jackowski
Thomas Smits
Kasey Mateosky
Shelby Scharp
Ex-Officio Members
State Senator: Dan Dockstader
State Representative: Andrew Byron
County Clerk: Maureen Murphy
County Treasurer: Katie Smits
View our Precinct Captains
Precinct captains include precinct committeemen and committeewomen from all 18 Teton County precincts.